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Pema Zangmo
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The Hero with a Thousand Eyes: A Historical Novel
The hero with a thousand eyes is a historical novel that tells us about the crucial life in court in the olden days, during the time of our great forefathers. Dasho Kunzang Wangchuk , popularly known as Dasho Shingkhar Lam, who passed away at the age of 86, is the narrator in the novel. He began his diplomatic journey in the court by serving as a Tozeb under His Majesty the second Druk Gyalpo in 1944. Given his competency and commitment, he was appointed as a secretary for successive three kings - second, third and fourth.
After 42 years of continual service in the government, he chose to resign and pick up the thread of his religious life from where he left.
The book is written in the first person point of view which I liked a lot because I could have clear and detailed account of all the experiences and feelings of the narrator.
As the novel unfolds the life of the narrator, one can understand that in the olden days social conduct in the court was very hectic and tiresome. Unlike today, the people were burdened with the taxes and it was difficult for them to even lead hand-to-mouth existence. Most importantly, readers can also have succinct overview of the contributions made by our forefathers. The novel gives the readers room to make comparisons between the life in the present and the past, particularly in the manners of the court.
It also sheds some light on how our country stepped into the process of modernization that began with the in-kind tax reforms and how she has come a long way from being underdeveloped to what she is now.
After 42 years of continual service in the government, he chose to resign and pick up the thread of his religious life from where he left.
The book is written in the first person point of view which I liked a lot because I could have clear and detailed account of all the experiences and feelings of the narrator.
As the novel unfolds the life of the narrator, one can understand that in the olden days social conduct in the court was very hectic and tiresome. Unlike today, the people were burdened with the taxes and it was difficult for them to even lead hand-to-mouth existence. Most importantly, readers can also have succinct overview of the contributions made by our forefathers. The novel gives the readers room to make comparisons between the life in the present and the past, particularly in the manners of the court.
It also sheds some light on how our country stepped into the process of modernization that began with the in-kind tax reforms and how she has come a long way from being underdeveloped to what she is now.