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Cheta Maya Dahal
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Monster in my room is a fabulous book by a Bhutanese author Chador Wangmo. It is about a little boy called Penjor who imagines that there is a monster under his bed. Then his mother calls "Penjor is everything okay" He replies "No Ama there is a monster under my bed." the mother says "Oh Penjor it's just your pet cat Sisi." Then after hearing this from his mother Penjor sleeps peacefully. Review summbited by (Devya Subedi Class 6, Peljorling Higher Secondary School)
PaSsu Diary: A Journal of an Ordinary Bhutanese
PaSsu Dairy is an amazing Journal of an ordinary Bhutanese, spanning over the decade. It is a collection of selected blog entries from one of Bhutan's popular blogs. It is a record of people, places, and events surrounding the life of the blogger that ever Bhutanese can connect to and relate with. One can read these entries in chronological sequence to take long walk down the blogger's Memory Lane or randomly pick a page to reconnect with a particular moment or reflect on some of this random ideas. Some of these stories are widely read and shared, and most of them have gone on to influence and effect changes in the lives of individuals and communities. This has a wonderful collection of stories for children. This book is very interesting enjoyed a great time with it. Review summited by (Devya Subedi Class 6, Peljorling Higher Secondary School)
Switched off is an amazing piece of literature by a bhutanese author Karma Tenzin (Yongba) The new year 2015 had just been ushered in and the NEW YEAR party was breaking up. As the lights were being switched off to close down the discotheque, nobody noticed the dead body of a young man in the middle of the dance floor. The oval disco light holder had cast a shadow in the center directly under it on the dance floor. Who was the man? Died of overdose of substance? Was he murdered? by whom and why?