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Pema Dolkar

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This book mainly talks about a relation between a father and his son. In the story, his father guide him throughout the life, advising him upon very little things like starting his day or his attachment with is phone. His father always guided him.
In one time the protagonist and his father spends their night at a place call Darkphel. There his father teaches him about defining himself in the world. Tshewang thereafter understands his purpose of life.

after nine years, things wasn't seems to hold still, Tshewang was now studying for his masters degree.
one night, he receives a call saying that his father was in emergency state. After his exam; he pay a visit and finds that his father was in serious condition.
His father didn't last long and finally he dies. Even after the death of his father he still cherish the good time and values that he got out from him.
- Pema Dolkar
10 'C'
Tashidingkha central school(Punakha)