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Sonam Yangchen
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Points: 5
Setrum: 2.00
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Seday moves to Haa from Thimphu. At first she feels bad but get used to it, in addition, She gets two new best friends and they tells her about the upcoming Lomba festival. They shares an old believed story but Seday wants to prove it untrue. But the story was true and Seday found herself in the village of Lus she was surprised and at the same time she was realaxed to see Dawa Samdrup ( another human ). They plans to escape and their mission was to find the lost Luethrim. Dawa suspects Rigzhen ( Lu ) to be the one stealing it. Seday and Dawa searches all over the corner at Rigzhen's room and finds a key hole in the chest of the table. They opened it with a key, found in the drawyer of the table. Finally they found the lost Luethrim and the king punished Rigzhen mercilessly. Lastly, Seday and Dawa reached back to human world and more over the world of Lus get back to a peaceful place again.
Name : Sonam Yangchen
Grade : 9
School : Tashidingkha Central school
Dzongkhag : Punakha
Name : Sonam Yangchen
Grade : 9
School : Tashidingkha Central school
Dzongkhag : Punakha