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Dawa: The Story of a Stray Dog in Bhutan

Tittle: A sorty about stary dog .

Author : Kunzng Choden

Published in :2004


Dawa is brown dog who lived in Thimphu.
He was bron in cold Dececember night , his mother and shibbling were poistiont by humqn beings, and all his family died .
He was from Paro One day Molay an old dog told Dawa about Thimphu .She mancetion the Thimphu as dream place for all the dogs .She also show a ways to Thimphu for Dawa , jus than after a month Dawa reach to Thimphu town .where he was appionted as a leadre of howling pack .After that he made Dampa who changes the life of Dawa .He taught Dawa in many ways than he came to know about the underdog .Which made Dawa so worried being a leader .whlie Dawa was going around the Thimphu town he made with many dogs whos same like him.In that place he gets the manch throught one femal dog by having phsyal contact which she was suffering from manch.
After Dawa gets manch it was very difficult him to contro thisl manch .so, there was no any way to qure this manch , while he gots news about gelong Ma Pelmo how she and cure her manch thorougt mediatationg.So,Dawa decide to jounery towards the thowadrak .Finally he reach in that palace where gelong Ma Pelmo cure her manch Dawa stay there manys years , after cure his manch he return back Thimphu where he left his friends .Day after day Dawa sits on the edeg of the Changankha hilltop, looking down the Thimphu town .

Theme: adversity and kindness, along with a particullar worldview found among Bhuddist societiesy .