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Tashi Dorji

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Dawa: The Story of a Stray Dog in Bhutan

Made our days in class 9. Simply love this.

Twist of Fate and two other Novelettes

I have known this author for quite sometime now, i even follow his regular humorous updates and blogs. It is without a doubt that his debt which hit the market sometime in july 2021 has come as a surprise for me. The book is just 87 pages and has three seperate stories. It tales story in three different times and era but boiling the theme down to one, "choice in life" one among the many decipher-able themes.The word choice are simple and the most striving story is the one which happens in college where the main protaganist girl is made to leave her college boyfriend to marry a rich man for parents choice. This is heart breakinf and truly and eye opener for most of us. Although this practice ilof parents choice is not prevalent today, stull there are some. This books teaches a good leson.