Dasho (Dr.) Sonam Kinga

Dasho Sonam Kinga is a Bhutanese actor, writer, commentator and researcher. Sonam Kinga obtained his Ph.D in Area Studies from Kyoto University, Japan, BA in English Honours from Sherubtse College, Bhutan and I.B (Diploma) from Lester B. Pearson College, Canada. He started his career as a Publication Officer at the Curriculum Division of Ministry of Education in 1998. Later, he worked as Research Officer with the Centre for Bhutan Studies, Senior Program Officer with Save the Children US, Thimphu and Executive Editor for Bhutan Observer (private newspaper). After his election to the National Council during the historic parliamentary elections of 2008[2], he served as the Deputy Chairperson between 2008-2013. Later after his re-election to the National Council he served as the Chairperson (2013-2018) An academic, his research and publications have focused on Bhutanese history, society, politics and culture. He is primarily interested in state-society relations in Bhutan, state rituals and oral literature. He is a Faculty Member at the Royal Institute of Governance and Strategic Studies.