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Karma Zangmo Tshedi
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Points: 30
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PaSsu Diary: A Journal of an Ordinary Bhutanese
Trust me, this book is hard to keep down or close once you start reading it. One of my favourite book of all time ?.
Dawa: The Story of a Stray Dog in Bhutan
Do you wish to see Bhutan in the eye of a dog then ....this is the book for you. How this book made me into a dog person was still captivating to recollect. Everyone should stop treating an animal as a heartless creature...they too have a heart to feel. Some have bigger than us human.
My second book of Dzongsar Jamyang khentse Rimpochae.This book will make you question yourself alot and it can be read by any other religion. As you read this book you will become less egotistic,less angered, less of everything because it's the power of this book. And you will enjoy many stories within the book too.
This book is a perfect guide for those who wish to do or is already practicing the ngondro(the preliminary practices). It contains everything an inspiring practitioner needs to get started with.
I feel blessed to read this book and I got answers for all those questions that I never thought existed within me.
I feel blessed to read this book and I got answers for all those questions that I never thought existed within me.
A young boy was encouraged to write his story by an increasing number of lights in his darkness. How he try to encourage others of his same circumstances by giving hope to them. May my light brightens the life of everyone who read this review?.
My first suspense/thriller bhutanese book that I read. This book is simple and easy to read where it tells you about "LOVE".
How beautiful everything is when you love and is being loved by the right person but how devastated and worst it can be if otherwise.
How beautiful everything is when you love and is being loved by the right person but how devastated and worst it can be if otherwise.